5 Things You Should Know This Week – May 30th

There’s still time to register – Colin’s Joy 5K
Participate in the Colin’s Joy Project 5k on Saturday June 4th at 8:30am. There will be 2 youth races to kick off the day at 8am followed by a 5K course, starting at South Boston Catholic Academy, taking participants around beautiful Castle Island. After the race there will be light refreshments, entertainment, and awards. A Colin’s Joy Project race shirt to be given to the first 250 registrants! Racewire registration in advance recommended. You can register here!
Family Fun Day
The MOMS Club of South Boston is excited to announce that they will be holding a Southie Family Fun Day on June 4th from 11am-4pm, with 6 different performers for the kids to enjoy! The event is free, so come kickoff the summer season with the family! Check out the full schedule. https://caughtinsouthie.com/event/southie-family-fun-day-3/
Reel Fun Fishing Day at Deer Island
On Saturday, June 4: come to Deer Island for a day of fishing and fun with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay! Learn about Boston Harbor’s biodiversity, play games, and meet real crabs with us!
Prepare to Seek Alternate Route
The Dorchester Ave. Bridge will close for the summer on Monday, June 6th. The nearly 100 year old steel bridge was last repaired way back in 1975. So it’s time. Construction will happen over the summer months to prepare for a full replacement of the bridge in the summer of 2023. You can get the full details here!
NBA Championship Schedule for the Week
The Celtics face the Warriors in the NBA Championship! Here is the schedule for this week –
Thursday, June 2nd at 9pm
Sunday, June 5th at 8pm
Here are 10 Places to Watch Sports in the Neighborhood.
Bonus: Take our Best Burger Poll
In celebration of National Burger Day, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite burgers in the neighborhood! Whether you like it with the works or just a little ketchup, today is your perfect excuse to eat one! Check out our roundup here! Take the poll below!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
Weekend Picks – February 14th
HRP Group is hiring Summer Interns – Get the details!
5 Things You Should Know This Week – February 10th