Summer Body by Heather Foley
Holy crap! Is it really Memorial Day weekend already?
What the hell happened to spring? Doesn’t Mother Nature know that I count on a slow gradual inching to the warm weather of summer to make me realize I need to wear shorts soon but my thighs look like big ol’ hamhocks? (To all the English majors out there, I’m quite sure I murdered proper grammar with that last sentence but cut me some slack, ok?) Mother Nature can’t just hit me with 80-degree temps and expect me to be ready.
Avoiding the scale
So generally I’m pretty good about diet and exercise but I have to admit, I’ve been seriously slacking lately. And I have to be really careful, if I loosen up on the reigns too much I start to look like the love child of J-Lo and Jason Varitek (if you don’t get that reference it means, it means I get a big fat ass, and also you should probably expand your horizons beyond dungeons and dragons.) For me, the first sign I’m spiraling is avoiding the scale, like if I can’t see the number creep up I’m not really gaining any weight. My clothes are only tight because they shrank in the wash….all of them. So to keep on track, I need to weigh myself every morning, yuck.
I know everyone is different, but my nutrition and exercise choices are always better when I have someone to report to. Just like a bratty little kid, I need someone to hold me accountable. Try it, tell a friend you’re looking to shape up and ask them to keep their eye on you. Don’t feel comfortable asking a friend? Ask me, [email protected]. I have zero training but I’ll tell you to stop eating cannolis if that’s what you want. And speaking of cannolis, for me nutrition is a much bigger piece of the puzzle than working out. I know that even if I kick ass in the gym I’ll have an ass like a bag of wet clothes if I don’t keep my diet in check and boring as it sounds, that means basically making everything I eat myself.
Boys in the weight room
I cook the vast majority on Sundays and Wednesday night – not very sexy but it gets the job done. Now as far as exercise goes, I try to do 6 days a week, the keyword being “try.” I don’t always make 6 days a week (especially the last 2 weeks, yikes they’ve been bad), but I try. And I try to do cardio and strength training each day and if I only have time for one or the other I always pick strength training, and its not just because there are boys in the weight room.
So that’s what I’m doing for the next 4 weeks until the next holiday weekend. I mean that’s when summer for real anyway, right? And we can totally lose a couple pounds and inches by then! We’ll see!
Heather has been writing for Caught In Southie since pretty much the beginning and for that we apologize. She can often be found on her couch with a log of raw cookie dough. Her biggest fear is being on an episode of Dateline and her wildest dream is being a guest judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Feel free to let her know if there’s something you think she should write about, unless it’s stupid.