It’s the end of the world as we know it
Judgement Day is apparently right around the corner – this weekend to be exact.
According to the billboard near the South Bay Mall heading into Southie, “Cry Mightily Unto God! Judgment Day is Coming on May 21! The Bible Guarantees It!”
We must have missed the prior memos because it came to us as quite a shock. 89 year old Harold Camping a Christian radio broadcaster and president of Family Radio – a California-based religious broadcasting network – and his followers believe that the Rapture will go down on May 21st, 2011 and that God will then completely destroy the Earth and the universe 5 months later on October 21st. So in other words, Jesus Christ is coming back and he is not too please with us sinners to say the least.
But we are wondering, is it too late to repent? Or is the damage done? In that case, if the end of the world is indeed going to happen, we say live it up!
Here are a list of things we here at Caught in Southie want to do in Southie before May 21st:
- have a drink at every bar in Southie – including the scary ones and the even scarier ones
- make it around the Island twice when running
- eat at Ethel and Andy’s for the first time ever
- play one more game of Relievio with the old gang
- make-out with cute guy that lives around the corner
- Enjoy another Southie Day down at Farragut Park
- play ding-dong ditch on Jack Hart and Steve Lynch
- streak down East Broadway
- work the counter at Sully’s
- drink behind the Annex and up the Tynan one last time
- ride a bike down G Street Hill (get it tune-up by MyBike first)
- clean Federico’s bike shop
- Swim with the Brownies
- Find Whitey
- Fight Peter Welch at Peter Welch’s Gym AND WIN!
- eat one more cake from Argus’ Bakery (gold cake w/ chocolate frosting and jimmies)
- play a game of handball at the L St. Bathhouse old school style – wearing just a jock strap
- have on last cup of coffee at P.S. Gourmet
- pitch a tent and camp out in the Fort at Castle Island
- put on a house coat and sweep out front – just for the experience
- egg Store 24 one last time
- try the scallops at Sully’s (finally) and yell at the jerk in front of me that doesn’t know how to order
- throw eggs at any car that runs a red and yellow light with no fear of retliation
- make copies of ass on the photocopier at the library on East Broadway
- have an end of the world keg party at Thomas Park with local cover band Thomas Park
Happy end of the world! See you in the big Southie in the sky!
Tell us what you’re gonna do!