Hey universe! Here’s my summer wishlist

5 min readBy Published On: May 10th, 2011Categories: Blog0 Comments on Hey universe! Here’s my summer wishlist

Summer is so fun, right?

Cocktails on a patio.  Cocktails at the beach. Cocktails on a roof deck and cocktails on a boat (hhhhmmmm…are we sensing a theme here?  This chick likes her cocktails.) And all of these situations (I giggle every time I say situation) call for different outfits!  I love shopping for summer clothes, but it can put a gal in the poor house so I thought I would conduct a little experiment.  As a student of The Secret, I know that the universe is at my command.  I tell it what I want and the law of attraction dictates that the universe must give it to me.  So here’s my summer wish-list universe, and to make things interesting I’ve included an item that allegedly no longer available – challenge extended! Side note: if any of my adoring fans would like to purchase any of these items for me I would be very appreciative.

I have the sense of humor of a 15 year old boy and the fashion instincts of a 6 year old girl.  When my inner 6 year old first saw the ads for these nail polish strips she almost had a stroke she got so excited.  I’m thinking I would like them in Kitty, Kitty and Frock Star to start.  Only problem is I’m a habitual nail polish picker.

There comes a time in every woman’s life when she has to stop and take stock of her life.  She needs to ask herself some tough questions, where is my life going, what am I doing, am I living my life to the fullest, am I too old to wear a romper?  I’ve been struggling with the romper question lately.  I think rompers are tots adorbs (yup, I just said that and it sounds even douchier out loud) but I don’t know if a lady of my age can pull it off.  I don’t want to look crazy. I prefer to look normal and only expose my craziness once I open my mouth and I worry that a romper might give people advance warning that nut-job is coming their way.

I love, love, love this jacket.  I think it could be my go-to summer piece.  I’m going to wear it with everything, dresses, rompers (maybe), casual shorts, dressy shorts, mini skirts, jeans.  The possibilities are endless.  I have no little joke to make here, I simply heart this blazer.

If you’ve read any of my previous stuff you probably know how I feel about shoes, and I especially love espadrilles.  Espadrilles are perfect with shorts.  You get the benefits of a high heel (hello long toned legs) without looking crazy because you’re wearing F me pumps.  And they’re comfy!  Nine West has a great selection and very reasonable priced, so you can easily justify buying multiples.

I love plaid and gingham. I love blue. I love shirts that are under $20 so by the transitive property, I love this shirt.  Did I use the phrase ‘transitive property’ correctly?  I’m going to wear this shirt to death.  I’m going to pair it with white jeans, shorts, mini skirts and even wear it alone as a beach cover up.
UPDATE:  I first saw this shirt in In Style magazine about a month ago and couldn’t find it in my size.  Well guess what?  Yesterday I went back to one of the Targets –  I checked out a month ago and not only did they have one in my size, it was on sale, so I bought it in pink too.  Thank you universe!!

I’m not usually a bandwagon jumper, but this season I’m totally jumping on the denim shirt bandwagon.  I’m not saying I’m committing 100% to the whole western wear trend but I think a denim or chambray shirt is a great way to toughen up a sweet mini skirt or pencil skirt.  And ladies if you don’t have a great fitting black pencil skirt in your wardrobe go get one, right now, seriously, I’ll wait.  I think a pencil skirt and high heels is one of the sexiest things in the world a chick can wear, and a properly fitting one will make your ass look amazing!

Ok universe, lets see what you’re made of, do you have what if takes to get me this dress?  This dress just screams summer perfection.  The fun multicolored animal print, v-neck and v-back, wrinkle resistant jersey material, this dress is summer should be.  You can throw it in your beach bag to wear as a cover up and then throw on some jewelry and turn  it out for drinks at night.  I don’t want to sound conceited, but I think I would look pretty great in this dress. Just sayin’.

Ok, so Henry Cavill and Alexander Skarsgard don’t have anything to do with fashion, but this is a wish list people, so settle down.  I’m a huge fan of hot guys with chin dimples and these 2 fit the bill, I wouldn’t kick either out of bed for eating crackers, hell I wouldn’t kick either out of bed for eating babies.

So there’s my list of demands universe, you better bring it.

Written by Heather Foley