Bruins Fever!
Catch it yet? by Heather Foley
Yay! The Bruins are in the Stanley Cup finals and they just spanked the Canucks! Woo hoo! We all know Boston is a sports town, and Southie has always been a little hockey obsessed, so you can practically feel the excitement in the air, right? So what could I possibly have to complain about? Well first of all I’m shocked you would automatically assume I’m writing to complain about something, I mean I totally am, but I’m a little hurt you just assumed. So what’s my beef? Bandwagon jumpers and know it all’s!
Kids got to go to the games for free
Not all that long ago, the Bruins weren’t so great. I remember a ticket promotion they did a few years ago were if you bought a regular price ticket you could bring a kid for free, and the kid didn’t even have to sit on your lap, he got his own seat and everything. The year after the Dropkick Murphys played a mini concert after a game and I’m pretty sure there were more DKM shirts in the stands than Bruins shirts. Now I’m not saying the whole city, even the whole state, shouldn’t get behind a team in the playoffs, especially the finals, but all the Johnny come latelys need to remember that there are a lot of people in Boston that have been religiously following this team their whole life……..and they’re probably rolling their eyes at your newfound love of the Bs.
I played Division 3 Women’s Basketball
I like to watch hockey. I always have. It’s fast moving and physical, but I’m the first to admit I know virtually nothing about the sport or its rules. Honestly, remembering rules has never been my strong suit – even for sports. I actually played sports – which explains why I was continuously called for traveling, double dribbling and 3 seconds, even in college (that’s right, I played Division 3 Women’s Basketball at a performing arts school – don’t act like you’re not impressed.)
When I watch a game I usually have no idea what’s going on other than one team of guys is trying to score more than goals than another team. Maybe its because I’m so upfront about my ignorance, that it always bugs me when people act like they know more about a sport or team than we all know they do (did that sentence make any sense at all? But you know what I mean, right?)
There is not shame in not knowing
So if you’re going out to watch the game Wednesday, just remember a couple things. If you’ve watched more games in the playoffs than you have regular season games for the last 2 years combined, you’re not a super fan, so settle down. If you can’t pronounce the players last name without help, don’t wear his shirt. And there’s no shame in not knowing what’s going on. Just don’t try to fake it by talking about penalty killing. You’ll probably F it up and end up looking like a donkey.
But other than that, go Bs!