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How has Boston’s waterfront changed? What types of commerce continues? What challenges do we face along the waterfront?

Saturday, March 2 at 10 a.m. join the Friends of the Boston Harborwalk (FBHW) for a 2 ½ hour cruise around Boston’s inner harbor on a multi-deck, heated vessel. FBHW tour guides will discuss the history of the city, its harbor, and how much the waterfront neighborhoods and the harbor continue to evolve – nearly 400 years after the city’s founding.

The tour departs from and returns to Long Wharf on a Boston Harbor City Cruises’ marine vessel. We will begin boarding at 9:45 AM and will depart at 10:00 AM (sharp) – returning at approximately 12:15 PM. Specific dock location and boarding information will be sent out days prior to the tour.

Cost $20.

Register in advance at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/friends-of-the-harborwalk-winter-harbor-cruise-tickets-824086453767?aff=ebdssbdestsearch