Sip n Spin with Beaded up by Renee
June 16, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
This is a guided waist bead making experience. You’ll make a custom waist beads to your style. We’ll also have music, a photo booth, custom charms you can add to your beads, and some giveaways! This experience is BYOB so feel free to bring some drinks too :D. The meaning of waist beads vary during different stages in ones life. Femininity, sensuality, fertility, weight management/ body shaping, status symbol, healing, protection, rights of passage, intimacy/ seduction, etc. Now it is more popular for women wear waist beads for decorative adornment purposes. Others wear them because they are a confidence booster, they love the way they look and how wearing waist beads makes them feel. Regardless of why you want to try waist beads, their a wonderful accessory and I look forward to teaching you how to make some, as well as a little more about their rich history and cultural significance.