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Always wanted to cruise around the Boston Harbor?
Looking for a new fun idea for Date Night?
In desperate need of a fun Saturday night out with friends or family?
All while supporting an amazing cause?

Get your Masquerade Gala Tickets Today
Fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Saturday, March 2, 2019
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Spirit of Boston, Dinner Cruise
Dinner, Dancing, Photo Booth, Silent Auction, Tons of Raffles & More
$100 discounted ticket includes a $50 tax deductible donation to LLS!


Purchase tickets via PAYPAL (paypal.me/KristenKrikorian) or VENMO (Kristen-Krikorian-1)
by Saturday, February 23
rd – email Kristen with any questions @ [email protected]

Plan on Staying the Night?
A discounted room block is available at the Renaissance Boston!
Discounted Rates Available through February 15