Fire Puncher Celebration
February 4, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
| FreeOn a cold day in January 1887, a fire broke out and flames erupted from the iron foundry on Dorchester Avenue in South Boston. Before firemen could get there, local legend Tommy Maguire raised a ladder and climbed to the roof where he “undertook to fight the flames with his fists.” The fire eventually subsided but the legend of Tommy Maguire lives on.
To honor this memorable day, GrandTen will be hosting its 11th annual celebration on Saturday, February 4 at 6pm at their distillery in Southie. Attendees will be able to enjoy tacos, oysters, hot sauce, and taste GrandTen’s special small batch release vodka: Fire Puncher Anejo. The event also features a fire-eating performance. What better way to warm up from the cold than fire hot treats and smokey drinks?!