EdQuity Boston: Making Connections Mixer – Benefit
November 14, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
EdQuity Boston – Making Connections Mixer: A benefit to advance educational equity in Boston Schools
BEDF is thrilled to announce its inaugural fundraiser, EdQuity Boston – Making Connections Mixer, scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at Grace By Nia, Co-Chaired by Mayor Wu & BPS Superintendent Skipper to advance educational equity in Boston Schools.
This event aims to recognize, celebrate and appreciate the efforts of educators who work tirelessly to provide quality education to our BPS students. The mixer will also serve as a fundraiser to support BEDF’s fundraising initiative, EdQuity Boston, dedicated to advancing educational equity in Boston by elevating the community voice, through participatory budgeting, to further BPS’ strategic priorities.
You can look forward to an exciting lineup of engaging activities and experiences. With a silent auction, live entertainment, delectable food, and exciting raffles, the EdQuity Boston -Making Connections Mixer promises to be an unforgettable and impactful evening.
Grace by Nia, in Boston’s Seaport, is a modern-day supper club, unlike any other venue in the city. This event is the first of its kind, offering a space of gratitude to BPS educators while uplifting local talents and partnerships in Boston’s educational space.
For additional details about the EdQuity Boston movement, please visit bit.ly/edquityboston
Connect with us across all social media platforms: @bostonedfund
Sponsorship Opportunities: In an effort to maximize your donation, we encourage you to mail in a check or process your sponsorship via EFT. If you would like to sponsor this event at any level, please complete the registration pledge, and a member of our team will reach out to finalize your sponsorship.
You can view our Sponsorship Package here.
Contact: Samantha Castro, [email protected].