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Tal and runs the Make Friends After College group on Facebook. We have over 23,000 members of young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s looking to meet other young professionals in the Boston area!

Let’s go to the swanky club, Carrie Nation Cocktail Club and drink, socialize and play some pool while we’re at it! Try to dress nicely as this is a prestigious club.

Tal will take a pic of himself when he gets there so you can find him.

He will wear a tag that says Host so you can find him!

Please message him at 617-942-1614 if you are lost.

Make sure to join our groups to get more information about the event

Join our Discord – https://discord.gg/F8qDXr7CZP

Join our Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/makefriendsaftercollege

Join our Meetup Group – https://www.meetup.com/Hey-Siri-How-Do-I-Make-New-Friends-After-College